Introduction: All parents love their child more than anything. They always try to provide the best for their child and we can relate that with our parents. But when it comes to the clothing of a little baby they face difficulties. Most parents would agree with me that children grow up far too quickly. But they grow out of their clothes even quicker. Parents have to buy more clothes in a short period of time. Which is costly and creates waste. What if one cloth can fit children for 3 years?? A London-based designer created that cloth with a range of outerwear for kids that grows with the children called “Petit Pli” clothes.
“Petit Pli” clothes: “Petit Pli” clothes made from a distinctive pleated lightweight fabric that is waterproof, machine washable, and recyclable. And most importantly, it will fit a baby and then expand until that child is three years old.

“Petit Pli” clothes were designed by Ryan Mario Yasin. And it wins wearable design of the year 2018. Yasin, who is a graduate of the Royal College of Art’s master’s program in Innovation Design Engineering, created “Petit Pli” after buying clothes for his nephew that no longer fit by the time they arrived.

Feature of “Petit Pli” clothes: It’s designed for continuous fit adjustment, so it will never be a little bit too short or a little bit too long. It always changes its shape and morph with the child even in motion. So as the child is running around the pleats are deforming in both directions either folding together or expanding, and moving in synchrony with the child. It’s super lightweight. It’s windproof and waterproof with a hydrophobic coating.

Designer thoughts: According to Yasin, children grow seven clothes sizes during their first two years, meaning parents are left with a lot of clothes that have barely been worn before they’re too small for the child. “Petit Pli” was designed to save parents money and to reduce the waste in the fashion industry. He approached the durability of his garments by regarding children as ‘extreme athletes, always on the move and in need of clothes that can keep up.
With a background as an aeronautical engineer specializing in deployable structures, Yasin said his outfits embed a special structure in the fabric that was inspired by the ancient Japanese art of origami.

Future plan: Yasin is now working on different sizes and designs and looking for commercial partners to increase production to bring “Petit Pli” to market. He is also planning “petit pli” clothes for adults specially for pregnant women.
NOTE: Yasin already created a mask called petit pil mask. The mask design listed in TIME’s 100 Best Inventions of 2020. This (MSK) is designed for the faces of both Little and Tall Humans.
BBC News
Written by;
Naimur Rahman
(NITER) 10TH batch
Department of Textile Engineering
E-mail: [email protected]